Monday, November 22, 2010

Next stop: Caribbean

Image provided by me
By the time you read this, the Bread Winner and I (by all calculations) should be knee deep in some Caribbean relaxation. I know, it's not right. 

We have been coming to Swept Away in Negril, Jamaica for several years now. It's one of those, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" sort of situations.  I have several other destinations I'd love for us to visit but for the financial and logistical parts of the trip, we just can't beat Swept Away.

Because of the "parents' holiday" Plain Jane will be a little hit and possibly a lot of miss this week. If I can figure out how to post pics while we're here, don't be surprised if I do it. Yes, we travel with a computer. Don't judge. However, if I become lulled into a trance by the lapping waves of the sea against the white sandy beach, I'll be back after Thanksgiving for sure!

Happy Monday and I'm really trying not to be patronizing.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!! And, really.......I'm not jealous....I'm happy for you. Honest!! Hope you are having a blast of a time. And, not judging about the computer on vacay. It makes it easier for me to live vicariously through your fun :)
